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To contact us, write an email to [email protected].

Contact Peardeck.

To contact Pear Deck, you can use the following methods:

  1. Email Support: You can reach out to Pear Deck’s support team by sending an email to [email protected]. They are typically very responsive and will assist you with any queries or issues.

  2. Help Center: Visit the Pear Deck Help Center on their website ( It’s a valuable resource that includes guides, FAQs, and troubleshooting information to help you find answers to common questions and issues.

  3. Community Forum: Pear Deck has a vibrant educator community where you can seek advice and share ideas with fellow educators. This is a great place to learn from others’ experiences and gather insights on using Pear Deck effectively.

By using these methods, you can get in touch with Pear Deck’s support team, find answers to your questions, and connect with the Pear Deck community for support and collaboration.